The Miracle Meal Communion Cups Churches

The Miracle Meal: Why Churches Love Our Communion Cups

While some churches remain traditional in their partaking of communion, more and more churches are making use of individual communion cups. Does your church use individual communion cups? If not, here are some reasons why you should. Pre-packaged communion cups reduce the preparation time completely. You no longer need to pour hundreds if not thousands…

individual communion cups

The Miracle Meal United States: Individual Pre-packaged Communion Cups

You can trust that your safety has been considered with our individual communion cups. Manufactured and distributed throughout the United States, more and more churches have switched to using pre-packaged communion cups. Here’s why: Each cup already includes a leavened wafer and red juice. This symbolises Christ’s body and His blood spilled for us. There…

No Longer Slaves to Fear

We are no longer slaves to fear – the Bible is clear about this. Fear comes in many forms. It’s a distraction from our God given purpose. It consumes our thoughts and causes a mind shift which leads to depression. It’s subtle and this is why we need to take every thought captive. Guard your…

Traditional Communion versus Individually Sealed Communion?

With the increase in viruses namely COVID-19 #coronavirus there is absolutely no doubt that churches, life groups and gatherings should switch from the traditional method of communion to the safer, hygienic pre filled communion cup. Our Pre Packaged Communion Cups are manufactured and packaged under strict national food standards approved by the FDA. This ensures…