The Miracle Meal - pre-filled communion cups

The Miracle Meal: Our Prayer For This Broken World

Here at The Miracle Meal, our hearts are shattered by what is happening in the Ukraine right now. There is a lot of fear in the world. Just when things started to feel a little normal, the darkness started to attack again. Overnight war began to break out. There will be many questions floating around your head, we’re sure the recurring one has been “but why”.

We may never understand the reasons behind every scary thing that happens in our lives or in the world, but there is ONE that is steadfast through it all. When the war rages on, He has already declared victory. So we would like to take a moment to just pray for the situation in the Ukraine right now. We believe that God will do what only He can do.


“God we thank you for your faithfulness. We thank you for the times when we don’t see it, but you’re already at work. Thank you for the victory that you have already declared over this situation.

Our prayer is that you would bring peace and hope to the hopeless. To the ones who can’t see beyond this strife, God please show up in their lives. Our hearts go out to every person affected by this. We pray healing to this broken world, and healing to every broken heart. Do what only you can do. We need a miracle.

In Jesus’ name! Amen. “


Philippians 4:6-7

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


If you are feeling anxious or scared, we invite you to turn to Christ. Whether it’s digging into the word, worshipping through it all, praying and taking part in communion. Turn to Him.