The Miracle Meal Prefilled Communion Cup

Pre Filled Communion Cups | Redding, CA

Pre-filled communion cups made in U.S.A.

We manufacture pre-filled communion cups in USA and ship to Redding, CA. Delivery generally takes 2-3 days. Shipped from Dallas to Redding California is fast.

  • We manufacture daily and carry stock.
  • Orders are dispatched within 48 hours.
  • Allow 1 -3 days USPS priority mail.
  • Tracking number will be emailed to you once shipped.
Taste the juice of the pre filled communion cup
Taste & See that the Lord is good!


No Preparation: Two methods that we have seen work well. 1) Simply place a pre filled communion cup on each seat in the church 2) Place a container at the entrance to the church auditorium so that the congregation can take one as they enter.

Easy to peel open: The feedback we receive mostly from users of The Miracle Meal is that they find the top film that exposes the wafer, and the middle foil seal that exposes the juice, very easy to open and also silent.

No Wastage: A huge advantage of using, The Miracle Meal pre filled communion cup is that you only use what you need for that service celebration. The rest can be used on another day or at another service. The plastic cups are recyclable.

Each serving contains:
Juice: 6 ml sacramental juice element. (Blackcurrant blend made from powder). The taste is less sweet than other suppliers and we have had many church Pastors comment on how much they prefer this juice.
Bread: The bread element consist of a round unleavened bread (wafer) made without additives.

Prepackaged Communion Cups Wafer & Juice Sets.
Prepackaged Communion Cups Wafer 

the lord’s suppercommunion — bread and wine — broken for you — do this in … Bread and wine are brought forth by Melchizedek

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. – Psalm 91

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