Why-The Miracle Meal?

When tragedy struck a Salt Rock family, they felt called to help spread the power of miracles.

Alidia and Dominic Symes were on holiday in Singapore when they got the news that Dominic’s dad was diagnosed with cancer on Christmas Day 2015.

Broken and shocked, the devoted Christians turned to God for strength and guidance.

“We were at New Creation Church in Singapore which speaks to taking part in communion as an integral part in healing. This put something in our heart and we knew we needed to make sure everyone has the opportunity and access to communion,” said Alidia, who goes to Linc Church in Salt Rock with her husband and two children.

“The holy communion, known also as the Lord’s supper, represents the greatest expression of God’s love for His people. Two items are used in the communion – the bread which represents Jesus’ body that was scourged and broken before and during His crucifixion, and the cup of wine or juice which represents His shed blood. This symbolic ritual of His death and resurrection is believed to have healing power.”

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