The ‘pre filled’ communion cup is a convenient way of distributing communion.
 It is ideal for any service, that includes communion, especially large services.
 This creative packaging makes it possible for a large multitude of people to be served and participate in that time of special worship.
 We love it! We’ve recently moved toward having communion at every service, including Bible studies and small group meetings. Nothing but the pre filled communion cup is flexible enough to meet all these needs. It saves a lot of time.
 Because our church meets in a school building, convenience is a high priority in anything we do. With the pre filled communion cup, there’s no mess, no set-up and no hygiene concerns.
 Your commitment to the Lord and business ingenuity is making it possible for millions of Christians worldwide to partake of the elements at a communion service without fear of spreading disease.
 On several Occasions, The Potter’s House has used pre filled communion cups during Communion Service, and the cups have proven to be quite an asset to our ministry. We discovered that using your product is a very neat and clean way to conduct Communion Services, and allows our church sanctuary to remain clean following the service.
 What a time saver! Some people are slow to change, but in this case change is good. The cups can be disposed of just like regular communion cups. Just put them in the cup holders that are on the back of the pews and ushers can dispose of them after the service.