The Miracle Meal is a ready to serve | Prepackaged communion cups

The Miracle Meal Prepackaged communion cups (250)

Box Of 250

The Miracle Meal is a ready to serve, pre filled communion cup; (AKA Prepackaged communion cups) that contains a juice blend and a 1/6g unleavened wafer under the top seal. The second seal reveals the juice.Prefilled Communion Cups are a healthy, fresh alternative for Communion requiring no refrigeration with over 6 month shelf-life. Easy to set up & serve.The cup fits into standard communion cup trays and no refrigeration is needed. Prepackaged communion cups are guaranteed freshThe single serving method allows for extra time with less trays to pass around.


  • Juice: reconstituted from powder with filtered water.
  • Wafer: bleached flour, water, and pinch of  salt

Prefilled communion cups contain both the juice and wafer in a single two-part container. Prepackaged communion cups participants peel back one seal to remove the wafer and then a second seal for the juice.

Sanitary and Convenient

  • Prepackaged communion cups are sanitary and convenient. They offer easy prep and quick distribution with no refrigeration required. Popular for small or large church services, gatherings, and events.

The Miracle Meal Communion new machine line, manufactures the pre filled Communion cups in a unique way which will guarantee freshness. The Cup is formed out of virgin plastic and has two seals. One is for the juice and other for the wafer. This keeps the elements fresh and our cup is easy to open.Both elements of The Miracle Meal Prepackaged communion cups, an unleavened wafer and  juice, are individually sealed in one cup, ready to serve.The Miracle Meal pre filled cup is suitable for all ages and even older people in the congregation. Feedback from our customers, “We find these cups easy to open”.

  • No Special Preparation Required

  • No Refrigeration Necessary

  • Six Month extended shelf life

  • Time Saved During Church Services

  • Strict Hygienic Packaging Standards

  • Allows For Communion In a Variety of Settings

  • Can Be Transported Without Spillage

  • Sized For Standard Communion Trays

The Miracle Meal prefilled Communion Cup