Communion Cups Designed for Your Convenience

  • DESIGNED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE  – easy to open each layer, portable, germ free-sealed, sacramental juice and natural bread wafer.
  • MADE IN THE U.S.A. AND SOUTH AFRICA – Made to order ensuring 100% freshness and quality guarantee when used before the printed expiry date
  • HELPS WITH 5 MODERN CHURCH ISSUES: (1) Absolutely zero preparation time needed! Simply display them at the entrance to auditorium doors for congregation to pick up as they enter (2) No Germs! The Miracle Meal is packaged and individually sealed in a germ free environment. (3) Ease of use anywhere! The Miracle Meal has been designed for easy distribution for large congregations and also easy to transport. (4) Price! The heart behind this kingdom business is to manufacture and supply The Miracle Meal at a low price and as low as what the cost would be to have communion the traditional way. (5) No Cleaning! No cleaning of used cups. No mess. No fuss.
  • MADE WITH THE BEST INGREDIENTS – Each individually wrapped Miracle Meal contains one fresh unleavened bread wafer and sacramental juice blend.
  • NO REFRIGERATION NEEDED! – 100% Freshness and quality guarantee when used before the printed Use By date. Wafer size is 22mm diameter; juice is 6 ml


Office: 469.779.0147
2605 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Suite A, Dallas TX 75234, USA