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BOX OF 250 PRE PACKAGED COMMUNION CUPS To order visit www.themiraclemeal.com Each serving contains: Juice: 6 ml Sacramental juice element consist of juice made from concentrate. Bread: The bread element consist of a round bread (wafer) made without additives. It can hold it’s form well and will not crumble easily. Both elements are automatically packed…

Do Communion Cups Have To Be Refrigerated?
Pre-filled communion cups do not require refrigeration. They have a one-year shelf life and are best stored in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

If you’re new to faith or you have been journeying through it for many years, you may still have some questions about communion. Communion has been an incredible gift to us and sharing that with others is our privilege. We share some important things to remember about communion, and how we are ready to partner…

Pre Filled Communion Cups | Redding, CA
Pre-filled communion cups made in U.S.A. We manufacture pre-filled communion cups in USA and ship to Redding, CA. Delivery generally takes 2-3 days. Shipped from Dallas to Redding California is fast. We manufacture daily and carry stock. Orders are dispatched within 48 hours. Allow 1 -3 days USPS priority mail. Tracking number will be emailed to you…

The Miracle Meal : Pre-packed Communion Cups
With our pre-packed communion cups, you can partake in communion in the simplest of ways. In just 4 easy steps, you can share communion at church, home or in your fellowship groups. STEP 1 Easily peel back clear film seal to access the fresh unleavened wafer. STEP 2 The unleavened wafer represents Jesus’ body…

The Miracle Meal United States: Individual Pre-packaged Communion Cups
You can trust that your safety has been considered with our individual communion cups. Manufactured and distributed throughout the United States, more and more churches have switched to using pre-packaged communion cups. Here’s why: Each cup already includes a leavened wafer and red juice. This symbolises Christ’s body and His blood spilled for us. There…